2 Corinthians 2:14 "But thanks be to God who always pus us on display in Christ and spreads us in everyplace the scent of knowing Him."
I think I have mentioned this a few times before, but I have been struggling with feeling a little bit useless here in Cairo. For some reason back in America I was constantly being presented with opportunities to speak about Christ and the complete transformation he has done in my heart. There were divine appointments everyday and I could see the fruit of ministry often. Here is different obviously and I being taught to rely on God moving even if i do not see it, or do not physically proclaim him. This morning I almost felt guilty, like I was not doing enough and trying to figure out ways that I could try to "show" Christ more lol- ohhhh silly Meg, good thing we serve a patient God because the lessons he teaches me are quite redundant. Here is what it comes down to HE DOES NOT NEED ME. God does not need Meghan McCardel to attempt to cogitate maneuver and plot certain ways to reveal him- He is a little bit smarter than me and reminded me today in this scripture that "HE spreads through us in EVERY PLACE the scent of knowing him"!!!!!! Dude- like I have it made! HE is going to be doing the spreading in EVERY PLACE not me, and GOD puts on the display of Christ not me. The Bible says that we are the "fragrance of Christ" So basically I am Jesus Potpourri!!! I love how gently he reveals things to me sometimes.
Any who yesterday I met up with a rad girl named Laura. We meet up for "coffee" and just God gushed for over an hour and even forgot about the coffee lol. We just got to swap amazing Jesus stories and just listen and encourage each other. I am actually am getting ready to meet her and some other people Downtown to ride a train to a village north of Cairo for the annual Cotton Harvest Festival! I am totally stoked!! And I am going to be brave and venture out with my new camera and try to take pictures. Then tomorrow we are going to rent a "micro bus" and go to an "oasis" somewhere in Egypt...?? i really actually never know where I am going or what the names are lol I just agree to go and then I follow. But I am pretty excited to do a little traveling. Oh and I just signed up for a camping trip to the Black and White dessert!!!! And I kind of bought a plane ticket to Greece for Thanksgiving!!! I have heard really goo things about Greece and really crappy things about Greece so I am kind of a little nervous- as most of you know I am pretty clueless and it either goes exceptionally well and things turn out adventurous and amazing- or...things turn out to be exceptionally disastrous. So we will see. As for the "eid" break we have coming up some friends and I are going to ride a Ferry to Jordan and stay there for a few days, then fly too Lebanon and stay in Beirut for a few days! I know of some people who are going to Jerusalem and Bethlehem when school lets out in December so I hope I will have enough money to be able to jump on that trip as well.
Ok enough about that, this week was kind of eventful. Last night I went to an Egyptians friends engagement party.OHHHH MYYYY GOODNESS!!!! It is AMAZING! I ahve never seen anything like this!!! I wish I had more picture to post, but just take my word for it- Egyptians know how to celebrate. Like fo realz this party was amazing. People from all over came to this celebration-other parts of Egypt, Africa, Canada. They had it catered and the food was to die for, they had a DJ, a dance floor (we'll get to that later) a COTTON CANDY MACHINE, gorgeous lights, I mean they really went all out. I did bring a dress but other ladies had on gorgeous gowns and garabayahs. It was held in the back yard for a place in cairo called "6th of October" but I felt like I was in a movie it was so nice. The bride and groom to be come out and all the women do this loud high noise with their tongue (i cannot really explain it but i have a video to show with this)and the bride to be and groom sit on this white linen couch in front of the dance floor and everyone take pictures with them and kiss them and everything. Then we danced for hourssssss. I am an AWFUL Egyptian dancer lol but it was so much fun, especially dancing with the older Egytians people. There was a little old lady there who I fell in LOVE with!!!! She kept calling me Barbie and kept bringing me to the men there who were not yet married and trying to hook me up and kept making me dance with them lol. I really love watching them dance, they all looked so free and joyful. I know this sounds pretty ignorant of me but I had no idea Muslims danced! But man was I wrong and I am so glad I got to experience it!
On Tuesday I helping out "Children of Hope" which works with the "Street Kids" of Cairo. I feel like I am not much help because I can barely communicate with them, but I hope just loving with them and playing with them will be enough, that is all I can offer at this point. Rolf leads this and sacrifices SO much for these kids. I think he helps over 200 children just in Cairo. A really solid servant of God. But he desperately needs transportation to get these kids from where the live and get them to the center that we work at. "Children of Hope" JUST became legal a couple of weeks ago and so it is not tax deduct able. I am really praying about trying to raise enough money to buy Children of Hope a microbus. I do not know how to do this and I am totally under qualified but that gives God SO much more room to work and get ALL of the credit!! ok well I am off to Metro to celebrate some cotton!!!! I love you guys and miss you all so much!!!
oh my Meggie, you are just rocking and rolling and taking every opportunity to sprinkle that "Jesus potpourri" around! I am so very proud of you! Looking forward to the pics- love you, miss you, praying for you-